Breakfast |
Every morning, I get up and often have cereal. Without eating, my stomach feels queesey and I get really snippy with my kids. The challenge for this day was to draw out breakfast so I poured my milk in a glass and drew what I saw quickly. Then I dumped that milk into the bowl and chowed down like I hadn't eaten in years.
A Room |
This challenge said that I had to draw a room. I often sit in our dining room since it's where my family eats, plays board games, and socializes. This was the most interesting areas of the room to draw.
Leaf |
I was stuck on what to draw for nature. This took a little bit of research on my part until I stumbled on a photo of a leaf showing the greatest detail of the veins. I drew many of the largest vein and Zentangled the smaller veins.
Michael |
The challenge for this day was to draw a portrait of someone and my son was perfect for this task. Unfortunately, I didn't realize that my daughter would feel a little slighted. More on my daughter is to come in the following posts. I dearly love each of my children and strive for fairness even when it comes to drawing them.
Bag |
This challenge simply stated, "a bag." My first instinct was to grab a purse and draw it. However, I saw a brown paper bag when I rummage for a purse small enough to put on my lap. I liked the wrinkles and it brought back fond memories of drawing paper bags in college. The paper bag won the right to sit for my drawing.
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